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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yes, I read your blog

Yes, I will be reading your blog, which is why I will be following you. No, I'm not a creeper. Please make sure you blog about the daily topic and your blog posting is at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences).

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The ivy's on it's way out

Had poision ivy since last Thursday (a week now). Some of it is beginning to dry up. Face has felt better since Tuesday. My hands were really itchy Wednesday. Today, Thursday just a little on my hands still itches. Today is my last day of the 40 mg of Preidsone, tomorrow I begin to take 30mg.

Left Hand

Left Leg

Right Leg

Monday, March 29, 2010

We're back!

We're back after a much needed Spring Break. Did you have fun? We went to NYC, it was fun, I have lots of pictures!! Felt like all we did was eat and walk, Isabelle was hungry every 2 seconds. Not sure where the tape worm is, but I need it!

We left Monday morning, plane departed STL @ 6:35am, so we got to the airport about 5:45am, could've used more time. Who'd thought that early would be so busy, but I guess with Spring Break, lots of people were headed out of town.

We were to have a 2 hour layover in Chicago, that ended up being 3.5 hours! We had breakfast when we landed and before we took off for NYC we had lunch, both times at my favorite place, McDonalds (yuk!) But it's the airport, go figure.

We finally get into NYC and it takes one hour to get from airport to hotel, we were pretty tired by then, but knew we needed to go get some dinner. We got on the subway and headed up to Grand Central Station. They have a food court in the lower level, at Junior's and then headed back to hotel.

We got up, ate breakfast at hotel, and then headed off to the Statue of Liberty. We were a little early, so we stopped by World Trade Center to see the construction. Then walked down to Statue of Liberty ferry. After going through airport type security, we finally go on the ferry and head over to Libery Island. Once there, we walk around the outside then got in line for more security to go up to the pedestal.

After we got done seeing Lady Liberty, we took the ferry to Ellis Island, where we attempted to find Bob's family from immigration records. He knows nothing about his family history, put we took pictures of it anyways.

Back to Battery Park, the ferry drops us off. My original plan was to go to Brooklyn and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, weather did not want to cooperate so we decided to head back to the hotel to let Isabelle rest. No nap, but to be expected, the child thinks she will miss something so exciting.

Late Tuesday afternoon we decided to head to Rockefeller Center and then over to Times Square. Luckly, it had stopped raining, but it was still dreary outside. While we were in Rockefeller Center we saw our first celebrity: Hoda, one of the hosts from the 3rd hour of the Today Show. We were dumbfounded, at first we didn't know her name, knew what she did. All I could say was "You're like a normal person" I know, very star struck words to say.

We then walked to Times Square, which was very cool, I've been before but to see all the people and the buildings/screens lit up was cool. While in Times Square, we rode the ferris wheel inside Toys "R" Us, Isabelle liked that.

After that fun, we took the subway back to our hotel. We stopped by the Shake Shack to get a burger, fries, and a really good shake. Then Isabelle got sick, we're going to blame it on the greasy burger and sugarry shake. After that fun adventure, we went back to the hotel to get some shuteye, we were getting up early to go see the Today Show Wednesday morning.

Got to Rockefeller Center, saw Al Roker, then we got on TV!! I was texting anyone I knew who was up and wasn't working. After we had our 5 seconds of fame we headed back to the financial district to go see the Gold Vault inside the New York Federal Reserve. As a personal finance teacher, I like that stuff, but Bob could've done without.

After the tour, we headed up to Central Park. Went to a deli to get some lunch, then took it back to Central Park to eat lunch in the park. We went to the playground to eat, of course Isabelle wouldn't eat because she was so excited to play. The carousel was closed, so we went to the zoo. Not much there, but the children's zoo was neat for Isabelle. She got to feed the sheep.

After all our fun at Central Park, we began to walk down 5th Ave. This is where all the shopping is at. We didn't do any shopping, we saw Trump Tower and St. Patrick's Caterdal, then walked down to Empire State Building (which was a pretty far walk), Isabelle fell asleep by the time we got to the Empire State Building, which was a good thing. We finally got to the top, which was very windy, so Bob and I took turns going outside. While we were there we saw our 2nd celebrity: George St. Pierre. I had no clue who he was, but took pictures like everyone else.

By the time we were done with Empire State Building, Isabelle had woken up. Bob wanted to walk back to our hotel, which was another 10 blocks, but my feet/back were killing me so I wanted to take the subway. Of course, Isabelle had to use the restroom, and public restrooms are not an option, so we walked over to Macys. After our restroom break, we go on the subway and headed back to our hotel.

Got back to our room, then decided we needed to eat some dinner. Luckly, we were very close to a major street with lots of resturants. We ate at RUBBBQ, pretty good.

Thursday: go home day
We knew we didn't have much time before we had to head to the airport, so we took Isabelle to the park so she could exert some energy before she would have to sit still on a plane. Got to the airport in plenty of time and for once our plane took off ON TIME!! Of course we get to Chicago and there are mechanical problems, what was to be an hour layover turned into 2.

Finally got home around 6:30. 4 days, really became 2 days of travel and 2 days of sightseeing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Field Trips, again

Last Wednesday I took a big group to St. Charles Community College Career Fair, Monday I took 9 sophomores to a Student Council Convention and Tuesday I'm taking FBLA to competition at HLG. While I have fun doing all these, I do need to say I miss teaching.

Spring is busy, technically not spring yet, but March = Spring. And it only gets better! Then June will be here and because I probably won't get to teach summer school I'll be extremely bored.

But then July will come and our
Baby #2
new addition to the Reardon family will be keeping me/us extemely busy.

The future!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A fun weekend

Saturday was my birthday, spent it at the Winter Homecoming Dance. Friday night, Bob and Isabelle made me a Pinnapple Upside down cake. When they came home on Friday we had to sing Happy Birthday so I could eat some cake.

Sunday, Valentine's Day we went to White Castles! True romance or just true fun. I had my chicken and cheese sandwich and chocolate shake.

Thankfully we were already schedule to be off school on Monday for President's Day, I'm sure it would've been another snow day. Seriously, St. Charles Community College was off, they never cancelled classes when I was there.

I took Isabelle and my brother, Josh to Blanchette Park in St. Charles, if you've never been, GO! It can be a little dangerous, watch out for other sledders. Today, for some odd reason, there was probably only 40 people there, maybe we got there too late (1pm). Isabelle and Josh had a good time going down the hills. Josh didn't have so much fun bringing Isabelle back up.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

We didn't have class on Friday, due to the snow. As much as I love you Web Designers, I really loved that we had school but got out early and we don't have to make it up.

So the forcast is calling for more snow. I know Sunday morning they said 5+ inches, NOAA isn't really calling for the snow until Monday night. If you look outside the sun is shinning, no one would think we're going to be getting snow.

Went to lunch at JJ's in O'fallon with my family, Bob stayed home and made his chicken wings for the party we're going to later. Isabelle and I went to Shop-n-Save after our lunch then we came home. I'm watching movies until we leave for the party. I can only handle so much football.

If I had money to bet, I bet the Colts win. Going to be a good game.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tuesday: Isabelle no longer has a babysitter. After last Thursday we knew we were done with her. There have been many things that have happened within the past few months that we knew it was time to move on.

I wrote a note to the babysitter. Then she wrote one back.

I love when people show their true colors. Next time I see Ms. Amy I will be sure to smile and wave.

We had Wednesday covered as Isabelle goes to preschool normally, Thursday we asked Grandma Reardon to watch her. But Friday she was unable to watch her.

So I went back to Craigslist in search of sitters. We found one, interviewed her and Isabelle will start with her Friday morning. She only watches 1 other child besides her own.

Friday is the test day, assuming everything goes well, we'll be going to Ms. Kelly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I'm very excited for this change.

It's now Thursday night, I've developed as nasty cold and cough with a sore throat. Lots of nasal pressure. Doctor said to take Sudafed. Bob went to Walgreens to get some for me, now I just have to wake up at 10pm and take it again so I can sleep tonight (maybe).

I've been drinking water like crazy, they always say drink fluids. I know hot fluids work, but my problem is I don't like hot tea. So I'm drinking hot chocolate. Throat feels better, but wonder what it's going to feel like when I try to go to sleep. Isabelle has the humidifier in her room because she's sick as well. Same as me, going to call the doctor to get an appointment either Friday or Saturday morning.

I really hope I feel better by morning, no matter what I'm going to work.

Good night and stay well!

Monday, January 25, 2010


My weekend was pretty uneventful. Saturday afternoon we went to Costco and then came home before going over to our friend's house. We made our own pizza and played Apples to Apples. It was fun.

Now, it's only 8:30pm on Monday and I'm ready to get in bed and go to sleep. Good thing all my shows I watch (on CBS) are repeats, so I don't feel like I have to watch them.

Isabelle is still fighting a runny nose and cough. She goes to Ms. Amy tomorrow, get to inform her that Isabelle will no longer be coming to her. I'm sure I'll be getting texts from her about Isabelle being sick. Guess I better write the letter now to inform her of Isabelle and allergies.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friday (almost)

Guess we're not doing food this Friday, only had 3 votes, 9 students, 3 votes?? Guess some people are not following my blog. Oh well, maybe next week?

It's Thursday night, almost Friday. It's been a busy week. I've been working out after school, which I enjoy, but by the time I get home I'm too tired to do anything. Good thing I had all the dinners planned out this week. It's getting late (only (9:15pm) but I need to go to bed. I'm sure Isabelle will wake up to go potty at 3 am.

Gotta get to school early to finish entering grades and plan for the day.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Martin Luther King, off school. Didn't do much but go shopping and spend money. I got a new pair of shoes at JCP, a new shirt at Sears, got Isabelle a cute summer dress and some white sandels, went to Costco to get some groceries, returned a scotter to Target, went to Lion's Choice and now I'm home, watching Lingo. Guess I'll get Isabelle soon, she went to the babysitters today.

Soccer last night was a little rough. We were playing pretty good, until late 2nd half. We gave up a 4-0 and allowed them to score 3. We still won, but we know we shouldn't let our guard down.

Gotta figure out what to do for dinner.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Friday!!!

early release, good and bad. Good because the kids leave @ 12:50, bad because 4th hour is the longest, the kids are really hyper about leaving early and being off on Monday, bad because we teachers have Professional Development (boring). But we'll get through the day!

Isabelle slept all night and no accients :) Tonight Bob has a soccer game at Vetta in St. Peters, so I think we'll all go to that. We had outback for dinner last night, cheese fries to start and then I had steak and a baked potatoe. I have Isabelle's leftover chicken fingers for lunch today and mashed potatoes.

I'm thinking we need to do a food day next Friday?? Jan 22.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Busy Week Already

It's Wednesday! Feels weird to only be Wednesday, gotta work a full week. :( At least Friday is Early Release. And we're off on Monday, which is always good. Chili for dinner tonight going to add spaghetti to make my version of Chili Mac.

Isabelle was a bear last night. She woke up at 11:45pm because she had an accident. Had to change clothes and sheets, which is always fun when you're dead asleep. After I got her out of her wet pjs, she didn't want to wear the pjs I picked out, nothing was good enough. She cried and cried. Finally, after 15 minutes Bob got up and got her pjs.

Lets hope tonight is better

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day #2

Yesterday (Snow Day #1) I was a complete bum. I took 2 naps, totally not like me. Today, I got dressed before 8am, took Isabelle to the babysitter, caught up on some e-mails, and just returned from the bank. This afternoon won't be too productive, I'm going to try to organize my Digitial Design class.

Wonder what we'll do for dinner tonight?? I really want pizza.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

waiting for the call

Dinner tonight was ok, would've been better if it was spicier. We had an enchilada casserole. I think tomorrow night will be leftovers(turkey soup, ham, enchilada casserole) or country sausage and mashed potatoes.

I know it's too early to get the call, but I'm waiting by the phone for my call to tell me school's out for Thursday. What will I do on my day off? There's lots of stuff I should do like: file/organize the "important" papers that are sitting in a pile on my desk, call DirectTV to get a new HD DVR receiver (for free, I'm not paying for that), call Charter Telephone to see how I can reduce my monthly phone bill (it's either that or drop a home landline completely), catch up on laundry, touch up the paint on the walls, go get Isabelle's hair cut, but I'm sure I will probably only do a couple of those as the snow is so much more fun.