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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

We didn't have class on Friday, due to the snow. As much as I love you Web Designers, I really loved that we had school but got out early and we don't have to make it up.

So the forcast is calling for more snow. I know Sunday morning they said 5+ inches, NOAA isn't really calling for the snow until Monday night. If you look outside the sun is shinning, no one would think we're going to be getting snow.

Went to lunch at JJ's in O'fallon with my family, Bob stayed home and made his chicken wings for the party we're going to later. Isabelle and I went to Shop-n-Save after our lunch then we came home. I'm watching movies until we leave for the party. I can only handle so much football.

If I had money to bet, I bet the Colts win. Going to be a good game.

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