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Monday, February 15, 2010

A fun weekend

Saturday was my birthday, spent it at the Winter Homecoming Dance. Friday night, Bob and Isabelle made me a Pinnapple Upside down cake. When they came home on Friday we had to sing Happy Birthday so I could eat some cake.

Sunday, Valentine's Day we went to White Castles! True romance or just true fun. I had my chicken and cheese sandwich and chocolate shake.

Thankfully we were already schedule to be off school on Monday for President's Day, I'm sure it would've been another snow day. Seriously, St. Charles Community College was off, they never cancelled classes when I was there.

I took Isabelle and my brother, Josh to Blanchette Park in St. Charles, if you've never been, GO! It can be a little dangerous, watch out for other sledders. Today, for some odd reason, there was probably only 40 people there, maybe we got there too late (1pm). Isabelle and Josh had a good time going down the hills. Josh didn't have so much fun bringing Isabelle back up.

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