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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

waiting for the call

Dinner tonight was ok, would've been better if it was spicier. We had an enchilada casserole. I think tomorrow night will be leftovers(turkey soup, ham, enchilada casserole) or country sausage and mashed potatoes.

I know it's too early to get the call, but I'm waiting by the phone for my call to tell me school's out for Thursday. What will I do on my day off? There's lots of stuff I should do like: file/organize the "important" papers that are sitting in a pile on my desk, call DirectTV to get a new HD DVR receiver (for free, I'm not paying for that), call Charter Telephone to see how I can reduce my monthly phone bill (it's either that or drop a home landline completely), catch up on laundry, touch up the paint on the walls, go get Isabelle's hair cut, but I'm sure I will probably only do a couple of those as the snow is so much more fun.

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