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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tuesday: Isabelle no longer has a babysitter. After last Thursday we knew we were done with her. There have been many things that have happened within the past few months that we knew it was time to move on.

I wrote a note to the babysitter. Then she wrote one back.

I love when people show their true colors. Next time I see Ms. Amy I will be sure to smile and wave.

We had Wednesday covered as Isabelle goes to preschool normally, Thursday we asked Grandma Reardon to watch her. But Friday she was unable to watch her.

So I went back to Craigslist in search of sitters. We found one, interviewed her and Isabelle will start with her Friday morning. She only watches 1 other child besides her own.

Friday is the test day, assuming everything goes well, we'll be going to Ms. Kelly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I'm very excited for this change.

It's now Thursday night, I've developed as nasty cold and cough with a sore throat. Lots of nasal pressure. Doctor said to take Sudafed. Bob went to Walgreens to get some for me, now I just have to wake up at 10pm and take it again so I can sleep tonight (maybe).

I've been drinking water like crazy, they always say drink fluids. I know hot fluids work, but my problem is I don't like hot tea. So I'm drinking hot chocolate. Throat feels better, but wonder what it's going to feel like when I try to go to sleep. Isabelle has the humidifier in her room because she's sick as well. Same as me, going to call the doctor to get an appointment either Friday or Saturday morning.

I really hope I feel better by morning, no matter what I'm going to work.

Good night and stay well!

Monday, January 25, 2010


My weekend was pretty uneventful. Saturday afternoon we went to Costco and then came home before going over to our friend's house. We made our own pizza and played Apples to Apples. It was fun.

Now, it's only 8:30pm on Monday and I'm ready to get in bed and go to sleep. Good thing all my shows I watch (on CBS) are repeats, so I don't feel like I have to watch them.

Isabelle is still fighting a runny nose and cough. She goes to Ms. Amy tomorrow, get to inform her that Isabelle will no longer be coming to her. I'm sure I'll be getting texts from her about Isabelle being sick. Guess I better write the letter now to inform her of Isabelle and allergies.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friday (almost)

Guess we're not doing food this Friday, only had 3 votes, 9 students, 3 votes?? Guess some people are not following my blog. Oh well, maybe next week?

It's Thursday night, almost Friday. It's been a busy week. I've been working out after school, which I enjoy, but by the time I get home I'm too tired to do anything. Good thing I had all the dinners planned out this week. It's getting late (only (9:15pm) but I need to go to bed. I'm sure Isabelle will wake up to go potty at 3 am.

Gotta get to school early to finish entering grades and plan for the day.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Martin Luther King, off school. Didn't do much but go shopping and spend money. I got a new pair of shoes at JCP, a new shirt at Sears, got Isabelle a cute summer dress and some white sandels, went to Costco to get some groceries, returned a scotter to Target, went to Lion's Choice and now I'm home, watching Lingo. Guess I'll get Isabelle soon, she went to the babysitters today.

Soccer last night was a little rough. We were playing pretty good, until late 2nd half. We gave up a 4-0 and allowed them to score 3. We still won, but we know we shouldn't let our guard down.

Gotta figure out what to do for dinner.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Friday!!!

early release, good and bad. Good because the kids leave @ 12:50, bad because 4th hour is the longest, the kids are really hyper about leaving early and being off on Monday, bad because we teachers have Professional Development (boring). But we'll get through the day!

Isabelle slept all night and no accients :) Tonight Bob has a soccer game at Vetta in St. Peters, so I think we'll all go to that. We had outback for dinner last night, cheese fries to start and then I had steak and a baked potatoe. I have Isabelle's leftover chicken fingers for lunch today and mashed potatoes.

I'm thinking we need to do a food day next Friday?? Jan 22.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Busy Week Already

It's Wednesday! Feels weird to only be Wednesday, gotta work a full week. :( At least Friday is Early Release. And we're off on Monday, which is always good. Chili for dinner tonight going to add spaghetti to make my version of Chili Mac.

Isabelle was a bear last night. She woke up at 11:45pm because she had an accident. Had to change clothes and sheets, which is always fun when you're dead asleep. After I got her out of her wet pjs, she didn't want to wear the pjs I picked out, nothing was good enough. She cried and cried. Finally, after 15 minutes Bob got up and got her pjs.

Lets hope tonight is better

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day #2

Yesterday (Snow Day #1) I was a complete bum. I took 2 naps, totally not like me. Today, I got dressed before 8am, took Isabelle to the babysitter, caught up on some e-mails, and just returned from the bank. This afternoon won't be too productive, I'm going to try to organize my Digitial Design class.

Wonder what we'll do for dinner tonight?? I really want pizza.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

waiting for the call

Dinner tonight was ok, would've been better if it was spicier. We had an enchilada casserole. I think tomorrow night will be leftovers(turkey soup, ham, enchilada casserole) or country sausage and mashed potatoes.

I know it's too early to get the call, but I'm waiting by the phone for my call to tell me school's out for Thursday. What will I do on my day off? There's lots of stuff I should do like: file/organize the "important" papers that are sitting in a pile on my desk, call DirectTV to get a new HD DVR receiver (for free, I'm not paying for that), call Charter Telephone to see how I can reduce my monthly phone bill (it's either that or drop a home landline completely), catch up on laundry, touch up the paint on the walls, go get Isabelle's hair cut, but I'm sure I will probably only do a couple of those as the snow is so much more fun.